Community Service Events and Projects
HAA's adopted charities task force identifies positive apartment related community service projects for participation by the association and/or individual member companies. The Community Outreachcommittee (open to any member) provides support and volunteer hours to community service projects and plays a coordinating and oversight role in projects approved for association involvement.
HAA is partnering with two charitable organizations this year, Entryway and the YMCA Apartment Outreach Program.
Entryway (formerly Shelter to Shutters) provides a life-changing solution for situational homelessness. Entryway is a national 501C3 organizatino that transitions individuals and families at risk of our experienceing homelessness to economic self-sufficiency by providing career training, full-time employment and housing opportunities in partenrship with the real estate industry.
Events and Projects
Sports Challenge - May 2
The challenge is a great team building event, held outdoors and with fun competitive activities. Sports Challenge Details
Blood Drive - June 5
Thank you to all of our members and staff who have donated blood for Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. According to The Blood Center, one unit of donated blood can save up to three lives. Collection will be at the HAA office, 4810 Westway Park Blvd, 77041. A link to sign up and donate will be provided closer to the drive day.
Food Bank Food Drive - November 1- December 3
HAA has participated has held a food drive since 1983. Properties and member companies can collect people and pet food and drop off at our two or more locations generously donated by our supplier partners. The food is then taken to the Food Bank to help feed Houstonians. Please follow this link for more details and to sign up to collect food. Food Drive Details
YMCA Angel Tree Program - November 1 - December 1
HAA is partnering with the YMCA Apartment Outreach Program this year to support their annual Angel Tree Program. This program is offered by the YMCA every holiday season, and the goal is to spread holiday cheer for parents who may not have the means to provide gifts for their children. The YMCA will provide a sign up form to purchase gifts from a child's wish list. Once you have signed up, instructions will be sent by email. Feel free to contact Shaun McCowen (shaun.mccowen@ymcahouston.org for any additional questions.
To be added to the Community Outreach volunteer list please email Amanda at asherbondy@haaonline.org